!!! MGC will be OPEN Easter Sunday at 10:00 AM !!!

Welcome to the

Martinez Gun Club

- Remember -
It is a Privilege to Shoot Here
Safety Always First!

Have Fun!

This is a Shotgun-Only Range open to the Public
Trap, Skeet, Bunker, 5 Stand, ZZ Bird
(only 7 1/2 or 8 Shot permitted, lead ok)

Our Hours of Operation


11AM - 10PM


11AM - 6PM


10AM - 6PM


10AM - 6PM

5-Stand Our Hours of Operation

Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

12PM - 4PM

ZZ Bird Our Hours of Operation


12PM -

Range Prices
















(Prices subject to change without notice)

The Martinez Gun Club is open every Wednesday from 11:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M. and EVERY Wednesday night is Family Night with a full professionally catered meal from 6:00 until about 7:30!

The bar is open (refrain from alcoholic beverages until after you shoot).

Trap and Skeet shoot till 10:00 pm under the lights. If you have never shot after dark before, it is a blast.

So after you finish your workday come down to the club, shoot a few rounds, and then enjoy a sumptuous meal and drinks. We have a great group of people coming down on Wednesdays!

Saturday, March 16th 2024

Members Only

Start time is 9:00am SHARP!

Saturday, April 19th, 2025

Non-Registered Shoot

Perfect 50’s - Over $11,500!!!


Free Added HOA Money:

1st $500, 2nd $300, 3rd $200, High Gun

Practice Trap Opens at 8:00AM

RV Space Available

From North or South 680: Take Marina Vista exit off 680, turn right at Waterfront Road and turn at Waterbird Way and follow it to the end.

Map Directions to MGC

Click for Google Maps Link

  1. Muzzle pointed down range at all times
  2. Action open at all times when not on the firing line
  3. Shell in shotgun only when it is your turn
  4. Only one shell in shotgun in Singles
  5. Always wear hearing and eye protection
  6. Use all safety rules
  7. No alcohol on the range
  8. Do not go into the trap houses at any time
  9. No pistol grip guns
  10. 24” minimum barrel length
  11. Any question or problems – ask for help

Violators are subject to suspension or dismissal from the Martinez Gun Club

Support the Martinez Gun Club!

MGC Patch image MGC Hat image

Patches Only $5!

Hats Only $25!

Get BOTH at the clubhouse now!

Events, awards or prices may sometimes not be current on the web site or changes may be made without notice at the range