The Martinez Gun Club is always open to the public during business hours

Martinez Gun Club
900 Waterbird Way
Martinez, CA 94553
(925) 372-9599      fax: (925) 229-1886

2025 Board of Directors


President - Steve Cowley

Vice President – Dan Yorke

Secretary/Treasurer – Paul Stroube


Gary Weese

Ken Wells

John Lozano

Tom Sarko

General Manager

Greg Fahmie

Send all correspondence to:
Martinez Gun Club
P.O. Box 910
Martinez, CA 94553


Members will enjoy the benefits of lower clay and shell prices, the opportunity to shoot in the Club Shoot, and the knowledge they they are supporting our local shotgun club for themselves and the future.

Our Memberships are for the entire Family (spouse and children under 18), with a $35 one time set up fee for new members or members who have allowed their membership to lapse.

Annual and Lifetime membership pricing is shown below.

Memberships are payable at the clubhouse and subject to Board approval.


While we have received grants from the NRA for Trap renovations, it did not cover all of our costs. We could not have completed the work without the financial support from all of those who donated funds. The Martinez Gun Club is NOT a maintenance free environment. We are in constant need of making capital improvements and that takes money. As evidenced by the work done on all 11 Traps, the Skeet field and Bunker those of you who have donated can see the direct benefit of your generosity. We have many future projects planned and a continuous need to raise capital.

Please note, any funds received for this purpose will be maintained in an account separate from our “general fund” and will only be used for capital improvement projects.

Donations of $5,000 and above will qualify you to have your name carved in granite and sunk into the concrete by the traps!

Annual Membership

Lifetime Membership

The clubhouse has been TOTALLY remodeled inside and out in the last couple of years! New air conditioning and heating, new tables and chairs, new big screen flat panel televisions, and of course friendly helpful staff that makes the Martinez Gun Club a place for the whole family to enjoy themselves.

New paint inside and out, new roof, new flooring, new sheltered outdoor grill area, new smokers, new outdoor awnings!

Inside Clubhouse
Inside Clubhouse


You may have noticed that we have lockers lined up at the far end of the club house. If you are interested in renting a locker, the fee is $80.00 per year.

Lockers are for members only.

Scorekeeper Screening and Training

  • Scorekeepers must be mature and attentive throughout the day.
  • Generally Scorekeepers should be 14 or older but age is not the determining factor, maturity will be evaluated.
  • The gun club requires Scorekeepers to attend a screening and training session scheduled on a day of a Club Shoot prior to helping with a registered shoot. At this session:
  1. Scorekeepers will be instructed on the rules of scorekeeping for trap shooting.
  2. Scorekeepers will watch trap shooting to see live clay hits and misses.
  3. Scorekeepers may scorekeep under MGC supervision on the training day.
  4. Scorekeepers approved by the club will be asked to help with scorekeeping at registered shoots, like ATA, NBL and PITA.
  • Scorekeepers will work as a team and be relieved as needed for breaks.
  • Arrive at 9:00am on your troop's training day. Ask for Greg Fahmie.
  • Scorekeepers will be scorekeeping for competitive amateur shooters, they must be able to project their voices and speak with confidence regarding the scoring.
  • Gun club board members will make the final decision regarding perosns qualified to be scorekeepers.

Scoring notes

  • Squads shoot in groups of 5 or less.
  • Squads shoot 5 rounds of 5 shots each person.
  • The squad rotates one position each round.
  • Each squad has a squad leader.
  • The squad leader is the first to shoot each round, regardless of his current position at the trap.
  • Scorekeepers turn on the trap at the signal of the squad leader.
  • Shooters will release their own clays using the voice call "pull".
  • The scorekeeper marks hits as a "/" and misses as a "0" on the scorecard.
  • The scorekeeper announces a miss as "lost", but does not comment on a hit.
  • After everyone on the squad has shot 5 times, the scorekeeper announces "dead and change", or if the last shot is a miss, "lost and change". This signals the end of the round and time for the shooters to rotate.
  • At the end of each round of 5 shots for each shooter, the scorekeeper announces the scores for that round in firing order. Like "five, four, five, three, five".
  • After the very last shot of all five rounds the scorekeeper announces "dead and out", or "lost and out" if the last shot is a miss. This signals the end of shooting at this trap and time for the squad to move to another competition station.
  • If a shooter scores a perfect 25 hits, the scorekeeper will circle the total of 25.
  • If there is a misfire and the wad clears the barrel, it counts as a shot and miss. If the wad does not clear the barrel it does not count as fired.
  • In the event of a scorekeeping dispute:
  1. Scorekeepers defer to the squad leader in the event of a dispute.
  2. If there is any further problem, the scorekeeper raises the red flag and rangemaster will resolve the issue.
  3. Scorekeepers do not need to be involved in disputes.
  • If a red cone is up on top of the trap house, the trap is being serviced and cannot be used.
  • If the cone is up on the trap house and shooters approach the range, the scorekeeper will announce "please unlolad your guns" as a safety reminder.
  • The scorekeeper can turn off the trap machine when the shooters rotate (to avoid accidental releases of clays). But be certain to turn it back on when they are in position! If you have trouble remebering to turn the trap back on, then do not turn off the trap machine when shooters rotate. It is better not to disturb their concentration by having the trap miss a "pull" voice call.
Shotgun Scorecard

At various times and events vendors make themselves available for private shooting-related services. The club makes no warranties explicit or implied for their services, but provides an opportunity for you to connect with their services in the interest of betterment of the sport. If there is something you need ask at the clubhouse or just ask a fellow shooter.

Beginner to Advanced Individual and Group Lessons

Whether you are looking to take your shooting to the next level or just want to learn the basics, instruction can help you with sound fundamentals, efficiency of gun movement, visual focus, correct mental focus and more.

Shooting Accessories

  • Shotgun ammunition
  • Ear protection

Events, awards or prices may sometimes not be current on the web site or changes may be made without notice at the range